Health coaching that gives you the energy and ability to live a FULL life.

Are you frustrated with your health and you don't know what to do? And even if you did, you're not sure if you have the energy to do it or the discipline to stick with it?

You are not alone! This plagues many of the people I work with.
Their health has been subtly declining and now they aren't even sure where to start. Not to mention the sheer volume of confusion coming out of the health and fitness industry.
The doubts can begin to creep in when you feel so consistently "not yourself". Confidence in yourself and even your ability to live fully in the calling that God has on your life all come into the doubt cycles.
I know how painful and confusing this can be! Especially when all your efforts backfire!

What if it hasn't been working because
real change takes more than eating different food or
having perfect self-control

Sometimes the hardest time to truly love ourselves is when we see all the ways we need to change. And yet this is exactly what we need to find true health.

Whole Body Health is change that happens on all levels. Mind, Body, Spirit. I help my clients find alignment with the direction and plan of God on their life. We find the beliefs that aren't fully in agreement with this as we practically love and care for our bodies physically.
I'd love to help you find lasting health changes!

The beauty of coaching
You don't have to do this alone.
I have never enjoyed something as much as when I am doing it with others. Even things that are very work-intensive.
As your coach, I get to know your story and help you piece together what will help you walk in health freedom. We work together to find you results and I help guide you because I am so familiar with the struggles.
I always thought I was great at pushing alone, but my dedication to my health, fitness, and faith have grown exponentially when I've partnered with others. More about me below :)

Get Started Today! Scroll to the end of the page and tell me more about you and I will contact you shortly for a Discovery Call to get you started on your health journey!

Services Offered
- 16-Week Full and Fit Signature Program - Healthy body, soul, and spirit. Weekly lessons, weekly group check-ins, daily journaling, monthly 1-on-1 check-ins, and a nutrition and fitness plan personalized for your body and current fitness level.
- Continued FF Accountability Group - For those who completed the 16-week program. Workout programming, monthly goal setting, bi-monthly group check-in calls.- Deeply FF 1v1 Coaching - For those who want to go deeper to overcome mental and spiritual barriers. Weekly 1v1 Coaching.


16-Week Full and Fit Signature Program 389/Month for 4 months (1400 pif)
Continued FF Accountability 97/Month
Deeply FF 1v1 Coaching 497/Month (3 Month Minimum Commitment)

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

About ME - Leah Noland

I have been interested in physical fitness since I was very young. I loved playing sports with my dad and brothers as often as they would let me. Soon I went on to play high school sports and found it essential to keep myself conditioned during the off-season.This was also when the pressure to look a specific (skinny) way increased. The information out there was pretty scarce and talked nothing about the psychological aspects of health.
So I tried to eat less and only healthy things (like egg whites, right?) until I got so hungry that I binged.
Out of desperation, I once tried to go a week without eating. This was a God intervention moment for me. Around day 5, a group of my friends and family wanted to play basketball. I loved basketball, but this day I could barely make it down the court. It was that day that I said screw this, I'm not sacrificing what I love for this standard of perfection.
I started learning about lifting weights and health. It was about 3 years later that I got my first personal training job at the most amazing training studio ever. I grew in my heart for people, God, and for a holistic approach to health.
Some other fun facts about me: I met my husband when I was 9, we started "dating" when I was 13, and married when I was 20.
I grew up in the small town of Grand View, ID, and loved it. I'm a small-town farm girl at heart. I was homeschooled and have a great appreciation for the independence this has given me in learning and working. I was working with my best friend in our lawn mowing business at the age of 14. We used the extra time (homeschoolers can get their work done in 3-4 hours) to earn some money, to work hard, and we had a ton of fun doing it.
I started Crossfit and weightlifting in 2014. I was mainly looking for something else because I was getting bored with my workouts. What I found was a community of people who loved weights, being strong, having fun, and being moderately considerate of their nutrition. Crossfit seemed to have a beautiful way of meeting people where they were at and finding ways to better their community and share in suffering for a good cause. Many aspects that I was taught growing up in church, but seemed to come naturally in this environment.
I found other women who could celebrate squatting heavy and eating substantially. Women who cared about their strength over their looks, energy over cutting calories, growing as people but never expecting perfection. Community is a part of my heart.
The last few years (2019-present) have offered some of the best life lessons in health that I've ever had. The importance of relationships, connection, believing what God says, and self-awareness.
The desire to walk others into true health and a whole-self approach to health is now one of my greatest desires.
Training, Credentials, and Experience- ACE Certified Personal Trainer-since 2005, CPR
- FMS Level 1 (Functional Movement Screen)
- Precision Nutrition L1 since 2016
- HKC - Kettlebell
- USAW Level 1 - Olympic Weightlifting,
- Oly Training with Max Aita of Juggernaut,
- Oly Training with Alyssa Ritchie
- NASN - Sports Nutritionist 2015
- NLP Training 2022
- Crossfit L1 Coach 2022
- Spiritual Life Coach 2022/2024

Contact Me
Leah Noland
(208) 685-9384

© 2024 Full and Fit Coaching LLC. All rights reserved.