Health coaching that gives you the energy and ability to live a FULL life.

Leah Noland

BIOI have been interested in physical fitness since I was very young. I loved playing sports with my dad and brothers as often as they would let me. Soon I went on to playing high school sports and found it essential to keep myself conditioned during the off-season. This was also when the pressure to look a specific (skinny) way was increasing. The information out there during this time was pretty scarce and talked nothing about the psychological aspects of health. So I tried to eat less and only healthy things (like egg whites, right?) until I got so hungry that I just ate a ton. I remember feeling the desperation as a teen to be skinny and once tried to go a week without eating. This was a God moment for me. Around day 5, a group of my friends and family wanted to play basketball. I loved basketball, but this day I could barely make it down the court. It was that day that I said screw this, I'm not sacrificing what I really love for this standard of perfection. I started learning about lifting weights and health at this time. It was about 3 years later that I got my first personal training job at the most amazing training studio ever. I grew in my heart for people, God, and for a holistic approach to health.Some other fun facts about me that are woven into my story - I met my husband when I was 9, we started "dating" when I was 13, and married when I was 20. I grew up in the small town of Grand View, ID, and loved it. I'm a small-town farm girl at heart. I was homeschooled and have a great appreciation for the independence this has given me in learning and in working. I was working with my best friend in our lawn mowing business at the age of 14. We used the extra time (homeschoolers can get their work done in 3-4 hours) to earn some money, to work hard, and we had a ton of fun doing it.A turn in my story came when I started Crossfit and weightlifting in 2014. I was mainly looking for something else because I was getting bored with my workouts. What I found was a community of people who loved weights, being strong, having fun, and being moderately considerate of their nutrition. Crossfit seemed to have a beautiful way of meeting people where they were at and finding ways to better their community and share in suffering for a good cause. Many aspects that I was taught growing up in church, but seemed to come naturally to this group. I found other women who could celebrate squatting heavy and eating substantially. Women who cared about their strength over their looks, energy over cutting calories, growing as people but never expecting perfection. Crossfit and community are a part of my heart.The last few years (2019-present) have offered some of the best life lessons to health that I've ever had. The importance of relationships, connection, believing what God says, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. I could not have gone through the last few years without the people that God has placed around me and having his presence with me. The desire to walk others through the health lessons and into a whole-self approach to health is now one of my greatest desires.Training, Credentials, and ExperienceACE Certified Personal Trainer-since 2005, CPR Certified
FMS Level 1 Certified (Functional Movement Screen)
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified since 2016
HKC - Kettlebell Certified- Squat, Swing, Turkish GetUP
USAW Level 1 - Olympic Weightlifting Certified, Oly Training with Max Aita of Juggernaut, Oly Training with Alyssa Ritchie
NASN - Sports Nutritionist 2015
Crossfit L1 Trainer

My general philosophy and thoughts on health

- I believe health involves the entire person - body, soul, spirit
- I believe health is accomplished through being full of all the good things your body needs. A range from protein, vegetables and water to friendships, purpose and spirituality.
- I believe knowing your life priorities, values and interests will order the intensity of your daily actions in order to live congruently.
- I believe everyone is capable of great things and it takes discomfort, pain and work to get there. Learning to enjoy the challenge and find their reward will make these pursuits last a lifetime.
- I believe in moderation and having fun. Laughing is a vital component of health. Moderation is the foundation of a lifestyle program. Perfection doesn't exist and is a flaw itself.
- I believe I go too deep in my thinking sometimes and confuse myself in the over-analysis. I will work to simplify health, goals and action for you... since I can't do it for myself.
- I believe what I believe isn't super important and will be changing often. My thoughts and beliefs are so small compared to what God's are. I hope to continually align with His.

Services Offered
- Group Full and Fit Coaching = 16-week program for getting a healthy body, soul, and spirit. Weekly lessons, weekly group check-ins, daily journaling, monthly 1-on-1 check-ins, and a nutrition and fitness plan personalized for your body and current fitness level.
- Partner Challenge = 8-week Healthy Habits Challenge. A points-based system for kickstarting your health and working with others to reach your goals. Weekly guidance and accountability through check-ins. Starts in January, offered 1x/year.
-Continued FF Accountability Group - For those who completed the 16-week program. Workout programming, monthly goal setting, bi-monthly group check-in calls.
-Deeply FF Coaching- For those who completed the 16-week program and want to go deeper with overcoming mental and spiritual barriers. Weekly 1v1 Coaching. Plus members of the Accountability Group.


16-Week Full and Fit Signature Program 389/Month for 4 months (1400 pif)
8-Week Habit Challenge 100/Person
Continued FF Accountability 189/Month
Deeply FF Coaching 489/Month

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Contact Me
Leah Noland
(208) 685-9384

© 2022 Full and Fit Coaching LLC. All rights reserved.